
Saturday, January 17, 2015

Nota Beautiful Day..


It is still early in the morning.  I start each day by thanking Allah SWT for a good life and good health we have each day.  Today is one of them which I describe them through my camera:

Beautiful Sunrise 

After Subuh prayer presenting us with a most beautiful sunrise greeting the day.  It is still cold and it is going to be beautiful great day.


A beautiful cardinal came around for his breakfast.  He does not come too often though unless he is hungry, I guess.

A Sparrow

They told me that the above picture is a sparrow.  I think, if I am not mistaken in Malaysia it is called "Burung pipit"....  Sparrow normally come in front of our kitchen for meal in a big group singing and eating at the same time.

Below are pictures of deer that come this morning.  Four bucks and 5 does..  They come every morning exactly at the same time for corn.  I do not care to feed them anymore!  But I still love watching and taking their pictures whenever I feel like doing it.

The Bucks

The Frost

Notice the whites covering the ground?  We have frost every morning and it is gone when the sun comes up or when the wind blows it away.


  1. SubhanAllah...

    Indahnya gambar matahari terbit itu.

    Gambar-gambar lain pun cantik2 belaka. Suka tengok burung2 yang datang bertandang itu. :)

    1. Musim panas setiap pagi boleh tengok matahari terbit, Kakcik. Musim sejuk selalu mendung. Pagi ni baru nampak. Kini hari siang mulai panjang sedikit demi sedikit berpandukan waktu solat yang dijadualkan.

  2. Memang cantik gambar-gambar Mak Long...btw, macamana banyak sangat binatang kat tempat Mak Long Teringin nak pi

    1. Terima kasih Uncle masih lagi teropong blog Mak Long. Texas terbahagi kepada 5 daerah besar. Iaitu Gulf Coastal Plains, Interior Lowlands, Great Plains, and Basin and Range Province. Kami tinggal di Great Plains yg juga terbahagi beberapa daerah termasuklah Hill Country daerah kami di mana terdapat banyak binatang liar. Kawasan perumahan kebanyakan tidak membuang tumbuhan asal memberi pelindung kpd binatang. Penduduk tidak dibenar memburu supaya binatang liar tidak pupus. Musim memburu hanya dibenarkan dari Nov hingga Feb, Itulah sebabnya banyak rusa di kawasan rumah mau pun di pinggir bandar besar seperti Dallas, atau pun bandar kecil.

  3. cantik gambar matahari..oren kemerah merahan....mak long ..rusa liar ke tu

    1. Yer iryanty, itu rusa liar. Terima kasih masih sudi jengok blog Mak Long.

  4. Terima kasih mak long share macam-macam pengalaman. Saya nak sampai sana belum ada kemampuan lagi ;)

    1. Terima kasih kembali Azwan Muhamad kerana sudi singgah dan membaca coretan Mak Long yang tidak seberapa ini. Mak Long suka berkongsi pengelamanan di rantauan yang pernah dilalui. Mudah-mudah mungkin dapat membantu bagi yang ingin merantau nanti. In sha Allah dengan berkat keinginan dan usaha pasti Azwan boleh juga merantau lebih jauh lagi.

  5. Mak Long,

    What is that thing behind the gentleman. It seems like a dead branches piled up together, or kind of an artwork. Very enthralling from afar.

    1. Ohhh those are piled of dead cedar stumps and branches which Pak Long (in the picture) stacked them together. When we moved into the new house 5 years ago there were so many dead stumps around. We collected them and that's what happened. There are two bird nests in that thing.
